25+ Math Competitions for Students
A list of 25+ math contests for middle school, high school, and undergraduate students to enter and win prizes and other awards.
Announcing Results from the 2023 MCM/ICM Math Modeling Contests
We are pleased to announce the winners of the 2023 Mathematical Contest in Modeling (MC...
10 Interesting Math Modeling Modules to Try Today
There are many math modeling modules available on our website, but we compiled a sample...
Great News! The Search is Over New COMAP Leader Chosen
I am extremely pleased to announce that Dr. Catherine Roberts has agreed to join the CO...
The UMAP Journal: Current Issue Is Now Free to Student and Educator Members
We are pleased to announce that the current issue of The UMAP Journal is available free...
Tributes to Frank Giordano
Frank R. Giordano (1942–2022) was honored last year with COMAP’s Doug Faires Lifetime A...
Math Modeling In the News
Math modeling shows up everywhere, if you’re looking for it. Let’s explore some of the ...
Dartboards and Math Modeling: Where to Aim?
Where should you aim at a dartboard in which the bullseyes, and the tripling and doubli...
Kathi Snook Receives 2022 Doug Faires Lifetime Achievement Award
COMAP is pleased to announce that Dr. Kathleen (Kathi) Snook is the recipient of the 20...
New Math Module: Could These Bones Be Amelia Earhart's?
We have a fun math model this month! Students will determine whether a set of bones fou...
15 Careers That Rely on Mathematical Modeling
Have you considered a career in mathematical modeling, but are unsure where to start? T...
Math in Pictures: All Cracked Up
Although mud, tree canopies, and giraffes are all very different from each other, they ...
Math in Pictures: Morphometrics with Fall Leaves
What can you do with fall leaves besides raking them? Math! Here is a simple hands-on i...
Math in Pictures: Archer Fish, Natural Mathematicians
Have you ever seen an archer fish? They are fascinating for several reasons, but perhap...
9 Compelling Reasons to Enter a Math Contest
Have you been thinking about entering a math contest? Then read on! Here are some reaso...
Online Math Resources on the New
Explore our online math resources, including math modeling curriculum, math contests, a...
Math (and Math Modeling Contests) for Each and Every Student
COMAP is and will always be dedicated to math for each and every student, from our math...
Math in Pictures: Have a Seat but Not Too Close
Birds sitting on wires often seem to be regularly spaced. What are they thinking? And w...
What Is the MCM/ICM Undergraduate Math Competition?
Are you a student looking for an undergraduate math competition where you can solve a r...
What Are the HiMCM and MidMCM Math Contests?
Math contests can be a fun way to engage your middle school and high school students. R...